No. 55
This is a relatively new coffee shop. It is located in what used to be a laundromat.
It has lots of space to sit. The tables and chairs are relatively comfortable. I liked the copper tops of the tables. I saw many people using laptops, an easy demonstration that it provides free Internet.
The coffee was average. It is not what will bring me back. But the environment and the free Internet will. Unfortunately they close at 6 PM, and at 4 PM on the weekends.
It seems that the Black Stilt has a social conscience, as it is trying to raise money for developing countries coffee farmers.
Verdict: A good Internet location if you live close by, but don't except much from the coffee.
For more information, including location, visit:

Black Stilt has another coffee house (this one is called the coffee lounge, if I remember correctly) which is over on Hillside and Shelbourne which is open until 10pm most nights.